Sylvain Marchand

francais / english
E-Mail: sylvain . marchand @ univ-lr . fr

Computer Science Department
IUT of La Rochelle
15 rue François de Vaux de Foletier
F-17026 La Rochelle cedex 1
Phone: +33 5 46 51 39 77
Fax: +33 5 46 51 39 39

Laboratory for Informatics, Image, and Interaction (L3i)
Pôle Sciences & Technologie
Avenue Michel Crépeau
F-17042 La Rochelle cedex 1
Phone: +33 5 46 45 82 62
Fax: +33 5 46 45 82 42

Professor of Computer Science at the University of La Rochelle
Spectral Analysis / Modeling / Synthesis of Signals (Images and Sounds) for Cultural Heritage and Creation (Archaeology and Music)







Sylvain Marchand (01/09/2024)

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